Bunny Suicide

Bunny Suicide

Friday, November 17, 2006

It's not the End that Matters

Just got back some of my final results today.. guess what i got?






49 - Add Maths

59 - Physics

70 - Biology

And I'm proud of it? Why u may ask?

1. I've gained a best buddie who've been mentoring and tutoring me, haha and out of nowhere

I began to enjoy Physics!

Thanks Chris Chia! Will be praying for ya SPM =P

2. Reflecting back on they way i spent my time studying,

tutoring helped alot and being tutored helped too.

Those times mean more than results!

3. Knowing that there are support out there,

Knowing that there is still hope next year,

Am working hard to strive and acheive a better learning method
( not results )

I believe that it ain't results that matter the most,

It's the method u used to acheive those results

In other words, times spent learning with others is 100 X more meaningful

than getting that sheet of paper that states numbers, whether in red or black

What I'm trying to say is, whenever that 5th year in your secondary school life comes,

Do not get overstressed by those sheets of paper,

Cherish the time u spend learning, being with friends, learning MORE about them

That's what truly matters

My Quote:

It's not the end of the road that matters,

but the journey to the end...

3 confession[s]:

Anonymous said...

Cheers, go out take pics with me and u will be happy. Hahaha.

KeNth said...

Me not sad pun..


eh, next time take me go photoshooting !! =P

wanna learn what i can do with my cam

Zhen Lim said...

"Cherish the time u spend learning, being with friends, learning MORE about them. That's what truly matters"

Agreed. =). May I go so far as to add in "family" as well? We don't realize it now, but later on in life, we will realize that blood is thicker than water.