Bunny Suicide

Bunny Suicide

Sunday, April 22, 2007

MTV Live : Good Charlotte

Whoohoo ! I'm back ! Managed to go for Good Charlotte eventho didnt intend to go at first. Thanks for the Tickets Sonul !

Currently getting into the songs by them, but the more contemporary ones namely Hold On, really good meaning in it.

The crowd was really siao. It'll be like a never ending journey just trying to exit in the middle of the concert.

We were typically like an ant colony, filled to the brim. And imagine, they were selling 7-Up, Coke and the like for RM5 !

Jason Lo ain't bad. Old Newspaper and Malaysian Invasian were songs i generally enjoyed jumping to. Malaysian Invasian was written for the Merdeka Celebration.

Wait awhile longer and it'll be on Malaysian radios already.
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