A Walk To Remember =P
well i'll just highlight some interesting things la =P
never knew how much i missed out on being dependant on parents too much
lesson learnt today : start being independant !
well, on the way there a foreigner asked me wher was TFM College, i said i dunno, im sry and just walked off ..
oops a blunder there, i think he couldnt hear me and he gave me a "look" =\
^ chinatown lo.. =P
i should also be more sociable, since becoming a prefect, i always seclude myself and there went my high school years. alot of things meant to be learnt, i din learn..
^ thank god this kind of jams dont reli appear much in PJ
Things to do: LEARN how to play football! that's what i want to learn THE most before leaving high school =\
^ Tung Shin Hosp, dad was borned there
^ on the way, i met Tunku Abd Rahman!
^ Merdeka!
well, once i reached Sungei Wang plaza, took me close to an hour to get there, left school at 2.30pm
the phone shop tested my phone and found out that the phone had no problem! =.= ishhh
it was maxis' networking problem that interefered with my sms-ing
soo they told me to go to Maxis Centre upstairs, to my dismay they said call the Maxis Hotline!!
conclusion: i one whole day go out = sai hei already ...
^ KL tower
but well, saw many things on the way, today may just be something that i wouldnt do again..
walking down KL with my green pants! yeap yeap i'm no longer wearing white nowadays... =P
on the way home, i met Mr Nanda, my tuition teacher, who wanted to buy "House" at Petaling Street... xD
^ still wondering how i got there @.@
before boarding the bus, i saw a blind lady trying to board bus 12, i wasnt sure that she was blind, dumb of me not to think, "hey, why would a lady be carrying a white stick and moving it aruond?!
on the way home, was thinkking about a book i read at MPH while awaiting my dad's call.. it was talking about things like, DONT go to university! Compare urself with a graduate at 23 years, and if u started work since 18 years. Learn from the University of Life!
shall be talking to an adult about this in the future..
on the way back home, i also saw YMCA and then i clocked home at 6.30pm!
that ends my day of plain sightseeing and reflecting..
^ i din know bus 98 would take me to 3rd KL's grounds, YMCA
thanks dad for drawing me that map, if not i wouldve got lost @.@
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